Michael Kolb, Realtor in Southwest Florida


City Naples
Active 2
Pending 1
Closed in the last 12 months 22
Amenities Community Pool, Community Room, Community Spa/Hot tub, Exercise Room, Sidewalk, Streetlight
Special tax district No special Tax District
Lease Restrictions Max. Number Leases: 4 - Min. Day Lease: 90
Last Update 09-09-2024
Building Type Living Area Year Built Bedrooms Bathrooms Active Pending Closed in the last 12 months Asking Price Sales Price
Single Family 1569 - 1569 2022 - 2022 2 + Den - 2 + Den 2 - 2 1 0 0 550000 - 550000
Villa Att. 1575 - 2266 2021 - 2024 2 + Den - 4 + Den 2 - 3 1 1 22 588900 - 850000 575000 - 835000
Subdivision Building Type Asking Price
ABACO POINTE Single Family, Villa Att. 550000 - 850000 More Information
More Information about Real Estate
The information on the communities and individual objects was taken from various sales offers, brochures and websites. It may be that not all information is correct. You cannot rely on the information on this site. Please check this before you decide for or against purchasing an object The information on the systems and individual objects was taken from various sales offers, brochures and websites. It may be that not all information is correct. You cannot rely on the information on this site. Please check this before you decide for or against purchasing an object